英语作文:My best friend
无论在学习、工作或是生活中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是小编为大家整理的英语作文:My best friend,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。
英语作文:My best friend1
I'm fifteen years old. He is fifteen years old, too. But he istaller than me and he is more outgoing than me.
He go to school by bus ,but I go to school on foot.I love sport. I play football and basketball tweice or four times a week. He neverdo sport. Because he think do sport is very tried.He eat junk foodevery day. So he feel not good, he aways fever.
I think he have to do sport every day, don't eat junk food. He have to eat vegetables and fruits every day.
英语作文:My best friend2
Hello!Iam Linda.Have you got a friend.I want to introduce my best friend today.He name is Vivian.Although her eyes are not big,she has got a nice face.A small some nose is on the face.She has got a small red mouth.She is already ten years old.As the monitor,She is one of the toop stndents in ourclass.And always helps me in learning English.
Her brithday is in January.Her favourite food is pizza.Her favourite drink is milk.She loves wearing the skirt.She is a beautiful and feautiful and fascinating girl.
I like my excellent friend very much.