Aristotle is one of the big three in ancient Greek philosophy, along with Plato and Socrates. Aristotle spent nearly 20 years at Platos Academy, first as a student and then as a teacher. After Platos death he travelled widely and educated a famous pupil, Alexander the Great, the Macedonian who nearly conquered the world.
Later Aristotle began his own school in Athens, known as the Lyceum. Aristotle is known for his carefully detailed observations about nature and the physical world, which laid the groundwork for the modern study of biology. Among his works are the texts Physics, Metaphysics, Rhetoric and Ethics.
Biography of Archimedes Archmedes , a renowned mathematician. His astonishing skill in mechanics was such that some of the greatest real triumphs of antiquity may be ascribed to him. His inventions amazed his contemporaries:the lifting of weights by means of pulleys and the endless screw are among them.
A Roman historian celebrates the warlike engines produced by the skill of Archimedes. His mind ever fruitful of extraordinary resources, when Syracuse was besieged by Marcellus, he constructed a burning-glass on a scale of such magnitude that by means of it the enemys fleet was fired. Eventually, the city being taken, he was found among the slain.
亚里士多德一生勤奋治学,从事的学术研究涉及到逻辑学、修辞学、物理学、生物学、教育学、心理学、政治学、经济学、美学、博物学等,写下了大量的著作,他的著作是古代的百科全书,据说有四百到一千部,主要有《工具论》、《形而上学》、《物理学》、《伦理学》、《政治学》、《诗学》等。他的思想对人类产生了深远的影响。他创立了形式逻辑学,丰富和发展了哲学的各个分支学科,对科学等作出了巨大的贡献。最早论证地球是球形的人。 分页标题#e#
Aristotle is one of the big three in ancient Greek philosophy, along with Plato and Socrates. Aristotle spent nearly 20 years at Platos Academy, first as a student and then as a teacher. After Platos death he travelled widely and educated a famous pupil, Alexander the Great, the Macedonian who nearly conquered the world.
Later Aristotle began his own school in Athens, known as the Lyceum. Aristotle is known for his carefully detailed observations about nature and the physical world, which laid the groundwork for the modern study of biology. Among his works are the texts Physics, Metaphysics, Rhetoric and Ethics.
Biography of Archimedes Archmedes , a renowned mathematician. His astonishing skill in mechanics was such that some of the greatest real triumphs of antiquity may be ascribed to him. His inventions amazed his contemporaries:the lifting of weights by means of pulleys and the endless screw are among them.
A Roman historian celebrates the warlike engines produced by the skill of Archimedes. His mind ever fruitful of extraordinary resources, when Syracuse was besieged by Marcellus, he constructed a burning-glass on a scale of such magnitude that by means of it the enemys fleet was fired. Eventually, the city being taken, he was found among the slain.
亚里士多德一生勤奋治学,从事的学术研究涉及到逻辑学、修辞学、物理学、生物学、教育学、心理学、政治学、经济学、美学、博物学等,写下了大量的著作,他的著作是古代的百科全书,据说有四百到一千部,主要有《工具论》、《形而上学》、《物理学》、《伦理学》、《政治学》、《诗学》等。他的思想对人类产生了深远的影响。他创立了形式逻辑学,丰富和发展了哲学的各个分支学科,对科学等作出了巨大的贡献。最早论证地球是球形的人。 分页标题#e#