Give your shoes a rest. Don't just slip on the same trusty pair of dress shoes day after day. Why? Because if you let them rest they will stay alive so much longer. Here, take it from an expert:
"The best way to extend the life of your shoes is to rotate your shoes and use quality shoe trees after each wear," Allen Edmonds' Jim Kass told Business Insider. As you wear your shoes, the leather soaks up the perspiration your feet give off. That sounds pretty gross, but it's totally normal -- as long as you give the shoe ample time to dry.
"延长鞋子寿命的最佳方法就是轮流穿鞋,每次穿完后都用优质鞋撑把鞋子撑起来,"Allen Edmonds鞋店的吉姆·卡斯对Business Insider期刊说道。穿鞋的时候,皮革会吸收脚上的汗水。听起来挺恶心的,但也十分正常--只要给鞋子足够的干燥时间即可。
"If you wear the same pair everyday, your shoes don't have ample time to dry and they won't maintain their shape," Kass told us. If you don't give your shoes a day to air out, the sweat-soaked leather will warp, and your shoes will start to lose their shape -- not to mention get musty and start to stink. The damper leather is also more prone to damage.
So, it behooves you to purchase at least one other pair and switch off between the two. Your original pair will last much longer, and you'll have another pair to mix and match with new outfits. It's a win-win. Plus, variety is the spice of life. Who wants to wear the same pair of shoes every single day?
If you'd like to be extra cautious with your prized shoe collection, invest in some shoe trees. Put them in after you take your shoes off for the day, and they will not only soak up your foot's sweat quicker, but keep your shoes in perfect shape. You can also know how to make your heels more comfortable.
Give your shoes a rest. Don't just slip on the same trusty pair of dress shoes day after day. Why? Because if you let them rest they will stay alive so much longer. Here, take it from an expert:
"The best way to extend the life of your shoes is to rotate your shoes and use quality shoe trees after each wear," Allen Edmonds' Jim Kass told Business Insider. As you wear your shoes, the leather soaks up the perspiration your feet give off. That sounds pretty gross, but it's totally normal -- as long as you give the shoe ample time to dry.
"延长鞋子寿命的最佳方法就是轮流穿鞋,每次穿完后都用优质鞋撑把鞋子撑起来,"Allen Edmonds鞋店的吉姆·卡斯对Business Insider期刊说道。穿鞋的时候,皮革会吸收脚上的汗水。听起来挺恶心的,但也十分正常--只要给鞋子足够的干燥时间即可。
"If you wear the same pair everyday, your shoes don't have ample time to dry and they won't maintain their shape," Kass told us. If you don't give your shoes a day to air out, the sweat-soaked leather will warp, and your shoes will start to lose their shape -- not to mention get musty and start to stink. The damper leather is also more prone to damage.
So, it behooves you to purchase at least one other pair and switch off between the two. Your original pair will last much longer, and you'll have another pair to mix and match with new outfits. It's a win-win. Plus, variety is the spice of life. Who wants to wear the same pair of shoes every single day?
If you'd like to be extra cautious with your prized shoe collection, invest in some shoe trees. Put them in after you take your shoes off for the day, and they will not only soak up your foot's sweat quicker, but keep your shoes in perfect shape. You can also know how to make your heels more comfortable.