对于part 1而言,一般来说每个问题说个3、4句话即可,并不要求学生一下子展示出很强的扩展能力,这部分主要留到第3部分再表现和出彩。比如A book you read when you were a child。与这个话题相关的part 3扩展问题可以有很多,比如What are the ways should parents use to make them like reading- What books do Chinese kid read- What are the differences between traditional reading and online reading- What are the advantages and disadvantages of reading and watching TV- 等等。事实上,这些问题也许看起来有些无从下手,但考官对考生的考察并不是针对考生所表达的内容,而是他们应用英语来表达自己意思的能力与方式。
再举例而言,关于What are the ways should parents use to make them like reading-这个问题。当考官向学生提出这个问题之后,可能一下子想不起来很多想说的东西,例如只想起来一点,①The parents could use interesting materials, such as fairy tales or short stories with beautiful illustration pictures, to inspire their children to start reading.在构思和表达这个句子的期间,考生可以尽量快速地在脑子内构思其他的几点,比如说②Parents could read interesting stories to their children, which could gradually encourage the kids to adopt the habits of reading .一旦想到第二点之后,不要着急开始阐述,这时候最好先尽量充实第一点的内容,打造出整体叙述内容和表达既准确又充实的印象,同时又为自己营造出宝贵的时间,从而进一步构思下一步的表达方式,这样就能在雅思口语中显示出出色的组织语言的能力了。
在阐述第1点的时候,可以讲一些看似无关,但实际上又可以充实语言内容并进行详细解释的话语。例如在第①点中,可以解释采用带插图的书籍的益处:Considering the focus periods for little kids are usually quite short, beautiful pictures could be a good way to attractive their attention and help them to understand the storyline. This kind of books could effectively inspire them to cultivate their own interest in reading. Actually, I myself started reading through this kind of method, which Id like to say, worked out pretty well.通过这样的论述,既可以通过展开和解释来扩展一个思路点,又可以为论述的下一点赢得时间。至于第②点的内容,同学们可以自己进行练习,自己主动地训练扩展表达的雅思口语技巧。
对于part 1而言,一般来说每个问题说个3、4句话即可,并不要求学生一下子展示出很强的扩展能力,这部分主要留到第3部分再表现和出彩。比如A book you read when you were a child。与这个话题相关的part 3扩展问题可以有很多,比如What are the ways should parents use to make them like reading- What books do Chinese kid read- What are the differences between traditional reading and online reading- What are the advantages and disadvantages of reading and watching TV- 等等。事实上,这些问题也许看起来有些无从下手,但考官对考生的考察并不是针对考生所表达的内容,而是他们应用英语来表达自己意思的能力与方式。
再举例而言,关于What are the ways should parents use to make them like reading-这个问题。当考官向学生提出这个问题之后,可能一下子想不起来很多想说的东西,例如只想起来一点,①The parents could use interesting materials, such as fairy tales or short stories with beautiful illustration pictures, to inspire their children to start reading.在构思和表达这个句子的期间,考生可以尽量快速地在脑子内构思其他的几点,比如说②Parents could read interesting stories to their children, which could gradually encourage the kids to adopt the habits of reading .一旦想到第二点之后,不要着急开始阐述,这时候最好先尽量充实第一点的内容,打造出整体叙述内容和表达既准确又充实的印象,同时又为自己营造出宝贵的时间,从而进一步构思下一步的表达方式,这样就能在雅思口语中显示出出色的组织语言的能力了。
在阐述第1点的时候,可以讲一些看似无关,但实际上又可以充实语言内容并进行详细解释的话语。例如在第①点中,可以解释采用带插图的书籍的益处:Considering the focus periods for little kids are usually quite short, beautiful pictures could be a good way to attractive their attention and help them to understand the storyline. This kind of books could effectively inspire them to cultivate their own interest in reading. Actually, I myself started reading through this kind of method, which Id like to say, worked out pretty well.通过这样的论述,既可以通过展开和解释来扩展一个思路点,又可以为论述的下一点赢得时间。至于第②点的内容,同学们可以自己进行练习,自己主动地训练扩展表达的雅思口语技巧。