网络空间国际合作战略 The International Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace
The International Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace is the first China has released regarding the virtual domain.
The aim of the strategy -- jointly building a community of shared future in cyberspace -- illustrates China's approach to cyberspace cooperation. Notably one that is based on peace, sovereignty, shared governance and shared benefits.
“Cyberspace is the common space of activities for mankind. The future of cyberspace should be in the hands of all countries. Countries should step up communications, broaden consensus and deepen cooperation to jointly build a community of shared future in cyberspace.”
《网络空间国际合作战略》全面宣示中国在网络空间相关国际问题上的政策立场(China’s policy and position on cyber-related international affairs),系统阐释中国开展网络领域对外工作的基本原则、战略目标和行动要点,旨在指导中国今后一个时期参与网络空间国际交流与合作,推动国际社会携手努力,加强对话合作,共同构建和平、安全、开放、合作、有序的网络空间(a peaceful, secure, open, cooperative and orderly cyberspace),建立多边、民主、透明的全球互联网治理体系(a multilateral, democratic and transparent global Internet governance system)。
弹劾 impeachment
South Korea's President Park Geun-hye has become the country's first democratically elected leader to be forced from office.
Judges at the country’s constitutional court unanimously upheld Parliament's decision to impeach her over her role in a corruption scandal involving close friend Choi Soon-sil.
The court said she leaked many documents in breach of a rule on securing official secrets, and violated the law by allowing Choi to meddle in state affairs, according to news agency Yonhap.
“对某人发起弹劾”可以直接用impeach somebody表示,比如:South Korean MPs vote to impeach president,如果想要说明被弹劾的原因,则可以说impeach somebody over something,那么前面的这个例句就可以拓展为:South Korean MPs vote to impeach president over corruption scandal。注意,这里的MPs指members of the parliament,也就是议会的议员们。
宪法法院此番通过弹劾案之后,朴槿惠就被免职了,很多英文报道都用force/dismiss/remove her from office表示。
BBC用了一个更正式的词:Court ousts South Korea's scandal-hit president。这里的oust常见于各种政治类的资讯报道,表示“罢黜、把…赶下台”,一般都是因为议会不信任投票或者政变(coup)等政治活动将执政者罢免。
The ruling will see Park immediately forfeit the executive immunity to criminal indictment she enjoyed as president.
South Korea now has 60 days to elect a new leader, according to the constitution.
脱欧法案 Brexit bill
The House of Lords has passed the Brexit bill, paving the way for the government to trigger Article 50 so the UK can leave the EU.
The bill is expected to receive Royal Assent and become law on Tuesday.
去年6月23日,英国举行脱欧公投(Brexit referendum),脱欧派占多数,英国决定脱离欧盟,留欧派首相卡梅伦辞职,脱欧派特蕾莎-梅接任。
英国政府随后向议会提交了一项简单的脱欧法案(Brexit bill),寻求议会批准。议会下议院(the House of Commons)2月初投票正式通过政府提交的“脱欧”法案,并将法案提交至上议院(the House of Lords)。但上议院本月初拒绝批准这个脱欧法案,并要求在法案中加入“保障在英居留欧盟公民权利”(EU citizens' rights to remain in the UK)和“保证议会对英国在何种情况下能够脱欧拥有更大决定权”(give lawmakers more powers to reject the final terms reached with the EU)这两条修正案,要求脱欧协议在拿到欧洲议会讨论前,需得到英国议会的批准;如果谈判失败,政府若要在没有达成协议的情况下脱离欧盟,也须由议会对此进行表决(British MPs to be given a vote on the deal before it goes to the European parliament, and to be handed a say if no agreement is hammered out)。
当地时间13日下午,英国下议院投票否决了上议院提出的修正版脱欧法案(reject the amendments proposed by the House of Lords),上议院随后也投票表决,对下议院的决定做出让步,上下两院最终就政府最初提交的脱欧法案达成一致,这也为英国正式启动脱欧进程扫清了最后障碍。
12315互联网平台 the National Internet Platform of Consumer Dispute Resolution
The State Administration for Industry and Commerce announced on Tuesday that the National Internet Platform of Consumer Dispute Resolution will go into operation on Wednesday, in a move to cater to consumers' growing need to complain.
The online platform marks a new era in Internet Plus governance, with the improved quality and efficiency of government services.
12315互联网平台(the National Internet Platform of Consumer Dispute Resolution)和原有12315热线电话(the traditional 12315 hotline)协同配合,发挥各自优势,在利用大数据加强市场监管(use the big data to strengthen market supervision),营造良好市场秩序和安全放心消费环境(creating a market environment featuring fairness and good faith)方面发挥重要作用。
全国12315互联网平台,网址是“www.12315.cn”,手机APP名称和微信公众号都是“全国12315互联网平台”。消费者通过电脑或手机进行实名注册(real-name registration)以后,登录平台就可以在主页上看到“我要投诉”、“我要举报”这两个按钮。国家工商总局消费者权益保护局局长杨红灿表示,对于投诉举报,7天之内进行处理给予消费者答复。
消费者在举报、投诉时,可以上传文字、图片、视频等证据材料,比12315专用电话平台更加便捷地消费维权(deal with consumer complaints more conveniently)。
国家工商总局表示,今年年底之前,该互联网平台还将增加处理跨区域以及跨境消费者投诉的功能(functions to settle inter-regional and cross-border consumer disputes)。
上海掌握教学模式 Shanghai Teaching for Mastery Programme
HarperCollins Publishers will translate mathematics textbooks from Chinese schools and publish them in Britain, according to its agreement with Shanghai Century Publishing Group.
哈珀•柯林斯出版集团与上海世纪出版集团签订协议,将 Apart from publishing textbooks, Britain will also spread the Shanghai Teaching for Mastery Programme in the country. It is a four-year program backed by 41 million British pounds in funding announced by the British Department for Education in July 2024.
“上海掌握教学模式”(Shanghai Teaching for Mastery Programme)是英国教育部支持的“掌握教学模式”(Teaching for Mastery Programme)项目的一个分支,指从2024年开始,英国和中国上海的中小学老师交流项目(annual exchange of teachers between schools in England and those in Shanghai)。
Teachers from England spent a week or two observing how maths is taught in Shanghai schools, and later in the school year host partner Shanghai teachers at their own schools in England for a fortnight or more.
When the Shanghai teachers are here, their lessons are observed by teachers from neighboring schools in every Maths Hub area, and post lesson discussions take place, in which the lesson design and delivery in un-picked in detail.
刷脸出厕纸 facial-scanning toilet paper dispenser
Tiantan Park, home to the iconic Temple of Heaven, is now home to six high-tech dispensers that mete out toilet paper only after conducting a facial scan, The Beijing News reported Sunday.
The pilot program kicked off recently after authorities faced an increasing number of local residents raiding the park's restrooms for toilet paper.
每部“人脸识别厕纸机”(facial-scanning toilet paper dispenser)可以调节取纸时间,现在设置了同一个人每隔九分钟取一次纸(nine minutes of time interval for every dispensing),每次出纸长度为60-70公分,并由原来的单层纸改成了双层纸,符合普通人如厕一般用纸需求。
创新全面伙伴关系 innovative comprehensive partnership
Chinese President Xi Jinping and visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced in Beijing on Tuesday an innovative comprehensive partnership between both countries.
The establishment of this partnership will boost innovation cooperation and bring more benefit to the two peoples, Xi said.
《中华人民共和国和以色列国关于建立创新全面伙伴关系的联合声明》提出,中国作为世界经济大国,正在实施创新驱动发展战略(the innovation-driven development strategy),以色列在创新、研发领域具有全球公认的领先地位(world-renowned and leading country in innovation, research and development)。继续深化中以合作仍有巨大潜力,双方在相互尊重和平等基础上致力于开拓和深化创新合作符合两国和两国人民的根本利益,对两国发展具有深远意义。
两国将在空气污染防治(air pollution control)、废物管理(waste management)、环境监测(environmental monitoring)、水资源保持及净化(water conservation and purification)以及高科技领域(hi-tech fields)等方面有深入合作。
截至2024年年底,中国已同97个国家和国际组织建立了不同形式的伙伴关系,比如:中沙全面战略伙伴关系(comprehensive strategic partnership)、中拉全面合作伙伴关系(China-Latin America comprehensive cooperative partnership)、中俄全面战略协作伙伴关系(China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination)、中巴全天候战略合作伙伴关系(China-Pakistan all-weather strategic partnership of cooperation)等。
中以建立创新全面伙伴关系,也使得以色列成为继瑞士之后第二个同中国发展以“创新”为标志的伙伴关系国家。2024年4月,中瑞宣布建立“创新战略伙伴关系”(innovative strategic partnership)。
机遇之城 cities of opportunity
Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Wuhan and Nanjing have been ranked as the top five cities for opportunity in China, according to a report jointly launched by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the China Development Research Foundation.
The report said that technological innovations and balanced development were the keys to building "cities of opportunity".
《机遇之城2024》对城市观察的维度与变量源自普华永道全球发布的权威城市研究报告《机遇之都》,从“智力资本和创新”(intellectual capital and innovation)、“技术成熟度”(technology readiness)、“区域重要城市”(important regional cities)、“健康、安全与治安”(healthcare, safety and security)、“交通和城市规划”(transportation and urban planning)、“可持续发展与自然环境”(sustainability and the natural environment)、“文化与居民生活”(culture and lifestyle)、“经济影响力”(economic clout)、“成本”(cost)和“宜商环境”(ease of doing business)10个维度的57个变量对28座中国城市进行深入、全面的考察。
今年就综合排名而言,广州和深圳凭借均衡发展(balanced development)的优势稳居第一和第二,杭州受益于技术优势(technological advantages)位列第三,较好地平衡了发展和成本(a good balance between development and costs)的武汉位居第四,拥有优质文化和居民生活(quality culture and lifestyle)的南京排名第五。
报告还发现,位居前列的城市普遍在成本以及文化与居民生活这两个维度表现得差强人意(performing poorly in costs and culture and lifestyle)。在打造满足市民需要、提供优质生活的“宜居城市”方面,“机遇之城”依旧面临挑战。
中国发展研究基金会秘书长卢迈表示:“报告的关注点是我国各区域代表性大城市的发展状况(the current state of the development of large cities across China),以这些城市为中心形成的城市群正成为经济增长和创新最活跃的地区。抓住这些大城市以及围绕它们形成的城市群(the urban clusters),就抓住了下一阶段中国发展转型的关键。”
博鳌亚洲论坛 Boao Forum for Asia
The four-day Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2024, themed with “Globalization & Free Trade: The Asian Perspectives”, is to be held from March 23 to 26 in Boao, Hainan.