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少儿英语圣经故事84:Do choose做选择



  Tommy was SO happy the day he received Jesus as his Savior from sin! To think! His sins were all forgiven, and he would one day have a forever home in Heaven! Tommy especially loved the promise of the Lord Jesus that He would never leave Tommy!

  在Tommy接受主耶稣的那一天, 他非常非常高兴。想想看, 他的罪得到赦免, 他在天上有一个永远的家。最令Tommy 感动的是主耶稣的应许, 他永不离开Tommy!

  Tommys Bible teacher had given him a card that said, PUT JESUS FIRST IN YOUR LIFE. The teacher said every day Tommy would have to choose to do that. In our Bible verse for today, Captain Joshua told the people of Israel about that kind of choice:  Joshua 24:15 says, ? choose you this day whom you will serve; ?but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Everyone must make the choice of who they are going to serve. You cant really say, I wont choose. When you say you wont choose, you just made a choice NOT to serve the Lord! When you have a choice as to whether you will watch cartoons on tv or read your Bible and pray, which choice would show you are serving the Lord?

  Tommy的圣经老师给了他一张卡片, 上面写著:把耶稣放在你生活中的第一位。老师告诉Tommy, 在他生活中的每一天他都要选择把耶稣放在生活中的第一位。我们今天的圣经经节是约书亚记24章15节:今日就可以选择所要事奉的.至于我和我家,我们必定事奉耶和华。每一个人都要选择所要事奉的。你不能说:那我不选择, 行不行?可是, 当你说你不选择的时候, 你已经作了一个不事奉主的决定。当你要选择来看动画片还是用这段时间来读经祷告, 哪一个选择在说明你事奉主呢?

  If you have a choice to get up early and go to Sunday School and church on Sunday morning, or stay in bed and sleep, which choice would show you are serving the Lord?Your friends may be staying up late on Saturdays, making it hard for you to leave them, but if you are Gods child, serve the Lord, no matter what others do! Decide BEFORE Sunday that you are going to bed early on Saturday so you can get up Sunday to serve the Lord!

  当你要选择在星期天的早上早起去教会上主日学, 敬拜神, 还是在家里睡懒觉, 哪一个选择在说明你事奉主呢?你的朋友也许星期六晚上玩到很晚, 这就给你增加了压力。但如果你是神的孩子, 不管别人怎样, 你都要来事奉神。 所以星期六晚上你要决定不管怎样都要早点睡觉, 使你星期天能早点起来去事奉神。

  Before Joshua had ever come into Canaan, he had determined he WOULD serve the Lord, no matter what anyone else in Israel did. Joshua had made that choice as a young man, and now as an old man, he was challenging the people of Israel to serve the Lord. Joshua knew there were many false gods, idols, all around the nation of Israel, and that the people of Israel would need to choose between them and the true and living God Who had made them and given them everything they needed.

  约书亚在进迦南地之前就下定决心要事奉神, 不管别的以色列人怎样。 在约书亚还是个年轻人的时候, 他就做了这个决定。现在, 他已经是个老人了。他还要挑战以色列人来事奉神。约书亚知道在以色列人周围有很多假神, 偶像, 以色列人需要选择是事奉又真又活的神, 还是那些偶像。

  If you are a child of God, Jesus has saved you from your sin and given you everything you need! What a wonderful Lord! Do you love your Lord?If so, you will choose to serve Him! Choosing to serve Him is really a choice you make every day, even every hour! Will you choose to serve the Lord with your time, your money, your friends, your talents?Many times Jesus tells us that if we really believe in Him, we will show it by choosing to serve Him. Serving the Lord Jesus is NOT always easy. Many times it means saying NO to things we want, or NO to things our friends want us to do, even NO to extra sleep when we need to read our Bible and pray. But the Lord Jesus loves us so much, and He has promised us a rich reward in Heaven someday for serving Him. As Gods child, you will never be truly happy until you are serving Him!

  如果你是神的孩子, 耶稣已经把你从罪中拯救出来, 并赐给你所需要的一切。 他是多么奇妙的救主!你爱你的主吗?如果你爱他, 你就要选择来事奉他。这是一个每天, 甚至每小时都要做的选择。你愿意选择来用你的时间, 金钱, 朋友, 聪明才智来事奉主吗?耶稣多次告诉我们, 当我们选择来事奉他的时候, 就表明我们真的相信他。 事奉主并不是一件容易的事情。许多时候, 我们要对我们很想作的事情说不, 或对我们的朋友说不行甚至牺牲我们睡懒觉的时间来读圣经祷告。主耶稣实在爱我们, 他应许我们如果事奉他, 有一天, 我们要得到他在天上为我们预备的奖赏。

  If you are Gods child, serve the Lord Jesus, no matter what others do! From the time you wake in the morning til you lie down to sleep at night, do those things that please the Lord! its not easy to turn away from your friends, from tv, or from sleep, to serve the Lord! Sometimes its hard to read your Bible, pray, go to church, be a witness, and cheerfully keep Gods commandments. its not always easy to serve the Lord, but it will be worth it!

  如果你是神的孩子, 不来事奉神你就不会有真正的满足。所以不管别人怎样, 神的孩子就是要事奉神!从你早晨醒来, 到你晚上睡下, 总要做讨主喜悦的事情。拒绝你的朋友, 不看电视, 少睡觉, 而来事奉主, 并不是一件容易的事。有时, 读经, 祷告, 去教会, 为主做见证, 遵守主的命令就更不容易。但是, 这一切都是值得的!

  If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, you cannot serve Him, because you dont even belong to His family! But Hes ready to make you His child today! Please go right now to ?How to Be a Child of God.

  如果你还没有相信主耶稣, 那你就不能来事奉他。因为你还不是神家里的人。 但今天, 神愿意你成为他的孩子!请你现在就去听怎样能成为神的孩子, 照着那里说的来做出决定。

  Lets say that verse together again! Joshua 24:15 ? choose you this day whom you will serve; ?but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Will you say that verse over and over til you know it by heart?Here is an old song that will help you as you serve the Lord Jesus!I have decided to follow Jesus! I have decided to follow Jesus!I have decided to follow Jesus, No turning back, no turning back!Though none go with me, I still will follow No turning back, no turning back!The world behind me, the cross before me, No turning back, no turning back!

  让我们再说一遍约书亚记24章15节:今日就可以选择所要事奉的.至于我和我家, 我们必定事奉耶和华。 请用你的心去把这句话背下来。现在, 让我们一起唱下面这首歌:我已经决定, 要跟随耶稣, 我已经决定, 要跟随耶稣!我已经决定, 要跟随耶稣, 永不回头, 永不回头!虽无人同行, 我仍要跟随, 虽无人同行, 我仍要跟随, 虽无人同行, 我仍要跟随, 永不回头, 永不回头!十架在前头, 世界在背后, 十架在前头, 世界在背后, 十架在前头, 世界在背后, 永不回头, 永不回头!


  Tommy was SO happy the day he received Jesus as his Savior from sin! To think! His sins were all forgiven, and he would one day have a forever home in Heaven! Tommy especially loved the promise of the Lord Jesus that He would never leave Tommy!

  在Tommy接受主耶稣的那一天, 他非常非常高兴。想想看, 他的罪得到赦免, 他在天上有一个永远的家。最令Tommy 感动的是主耶稣的应许, 他永不离开Tommy!

  Tommys Bible teacher had given him a card that said, PUT JESUS FIRST IN YOUR LIFE. The teacher said every day Tommy would have to choose to do that. In our Bible verse for today, Captain Joshua told the people of Israel about that kind of choice:  Joshua 24:15 says, ? choose you this day whom you will serve; ?but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Everyone must make the choice of who they are going to serve. You cant really say, I wont choose. When you say you wont choose, you just made a choice NOT to serve the Lord! When you have a choice as to whether you will watch cartoons on tv or read your Bible and pray, which choice would show you are serving the Lord?

  Tommy的圣经老师给了他一张卡片, 上面写著:把耶稣放在你生活中的第一位。老师告诉Tommy, 在他生活中的每一天他都要选择把耶稣放在生活中的第一位。我们今天的圣经经节是约书亚记24章15节:今日就可以选择所要事奉的.至于我和我家,我们必定事奉耶和华。每一个人都要选择所要事奉的。你不能说:那我不选择, 行不行?可是, 当你说你不选择的时候, 你已经作了一个不事奉主的决定。当你要选择来看动画片还是用这段时间来读经祷告, 哪一个选择在说明你事奉主呢?

  If you have a choice to get up early and go to Sunday School and church on Sunday morning, or stay in bed and sleep, which choice would show you are serving the Lord?Your friends may be staying up late on Saturdays, making it hard for you to leave them, but if you are Gods child, serve the Lord, no matter what others do! Decide BEFORE Sunday that you are going to bed early on Saturday so you can get up Sunday to serve the Lord!

  当你要选择在星期天的早上早起去教会上主日学, 敬拜神, 还是在家里睡懒觉, 哪一个选择在说明你事奉主呢?你的朋友也许星期六晚上玩到很晚, 这就给你增加了压力。但如果你是神的孩子, 不管别人怎样, 你都要来事奉神。 所以星期六晚上你要决定不管怎样都要早点睡觉, 使你星期天能早点起来去事奉神。

  Before Joshua had ever come into Canaan, he had determined he WOULD serve the Lord, no matter what anyone else in Israel did. Joshua had made that choice as a young man, and now as an old man, he was challenging the people of Israel to serve the Lord. Joshua knew there were many false gods, idols, all around the nation of Israel, and that the people of Israel would need to choose between them and the true and living God Who had made them and given them everything they needed.

  约书亚在进迦南地之前就下定决心要事奉神, 不管别的以色列人怎样。 在约书亚还是个年轻人的时候, 他就做了这个决定。现在, 他已经是个老人了。他还要挑战以色列人来事奉神。约书亚知道在以色列人周围有很多假神, 偶像, 以色列人需要选择是事奉又真又活的神, 还是那些偶像。

  If you are a child of God, Jesus has saved you from your sin and given you everything you need! What a wonderful Lord! Do you love your Lord?If so, you will choose to serve Him! Choosing to serve Him is really a choice you make every day, even every hour! Will you choose to serve the Lord with your time, your money, your friends, your talents?Many times Jesus tells us that if we really believe in Him, we will show it by choosing to serve Him. Serving the Lord Jesus is NOT always easy. Many times it means saying NO to things we want, or NO to things our friends want us to do, even NO to extra sleep when we need to read our Bible and pray. But the Lord Jesus loves us so much, and He has promised us a rich reward in Heaven someday for serving Him. As Gods child, you will never be truly happy until you are serving Him!

  如果你是神的孩子, 耶稣已经把你从罪中拯救出来, 并赐给你所需要的一切。 他是多么奇妙的救主!你爱你的主吗?如果你爱他, 你就要选择来事奉他。这是一个每天, 甚至每小时都要做的选择。你愿意选择来用你的时间, 金钱, 朋友, 聪明才智来事奉主吗?耶稣多次告诉我们, 当我们选择来事奉他的时候, 就表明我们真的相信他。 事奉主并不是一件容易的事情。许多时候, 我们要对我们很想作的事情说不, 或对我们的朋友说不行甚至牺牲我们睡懒觉的时间来读圣经祷告。主耶稣实在爱我们, 他应许我们如果事奉他, 有一天, 我们要得到他在天上为我们预备的奖赏。

  If you are Gods child, serve the Lord Jesus, no matter what others do! From the time you wake in the morning til you lie down to sleep at night, do those things that please the Lord! its not easy to turn away from your friends, from tv, or from sleep, to serve the Lord! Sometimes its hard to read your Bible, pray, go to church, be a witness, and cheerfully keep Gods commandments. its not always easy to serve the Lord, but it will be worth it!

  如果你是神的孩子, 不来事奉神你就不会有真正的满足。所以不管别人怎样, 神的孩子就是要事奉神!从你早晨醒来, 到你晚上睡下, 总要做讨主喜悦的事情。拒绝你的朋友, 不看电视, 少睡觉, 而来事奉主, 并不是一件容易的事。有时, 读经, 祷告, 去教会, 为主做见证, 遵守主的命令就更不容易。但是, 这一切都是值得的!

  If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, you cannot serve Him, because you dont even belong to His family! But Hes ready to make you His child today! Please go right now to ?How to Be a Child of God.

  如果你还没有相信主耶稣, 那你就不能来事奉他。因为你还不是神家里的人。 但今天, 神愿意你成为他的孩子!请你现在就去听怎样能成为神的孩子, 照着那里说的来做出决定。

  Lets say that verse together again! Joshua 24:15 ? choose you this day whom you will serve; ?but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Will you say that verse over and over til you know it by heart?Here is an old song that will help you as you serve the Lord Jesus!I have decided to follow Jesus! I have decided to follow Jesus!I have decided to follow Jesus, No turning back, no turning back!Though none go with me, I still will follow No turning back, no turning back!The world behind me, the cross before me, No turning back, no turning back!

  让我们再说一遍约书亚记24章15节:今日就可以选择所要事奉的.至于我和我家, 我们必定事奉耶和华。 请用你的心去把这句话背下来。现在, 让我们一起唱下面这首歌:我已经决定, 要跟随耶稣, 我已经决定, 要跟随耶稣!我已经决定, 要跟随耶稣, 永不回头, 永不回头!虽无人同行, 我仍要跟随, 虽无人同行, 我仍要跟随, 虽无人同行, 我仍要跟随, 永不回头, 永不回头!十架在前头, 世界在背后, 十架在前头, 世界在背后, 十架在前头, 世界在背后, 永不回头, 永不回头!




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