During a job interview, usually towards the end of the interview, you will be asked if you have any questions. This is an opportunity to find out more about the company and the job to make sure its a good match.在求职面试中,常常到了接近结束的时候,面试官会询问你是否有什么疑问。这是一个让你更加了解这家公司和职位以及保证职位选择是否正确的机会。
Asking questions also gives you the opportunity to reference some of your qualities, skills and experience. Be very specific in the questions you ask, and you will have the opportunity to impress your potential employer with your knowledge and interest in the industry, as well as determine if this is the right job for you.向面试官提问的同时也能给你检视自己的资格技能和经验的机会。你所提出的问题针对性越强,你就越有机会凭借自己的专业知识和兴趣给潜在雇主留下深刻的印象,同时也能确定这份工作是否合适自己。
Review the top 10 best interview questions to ask an employer during a job interview. That way youll be prepared to ask questions and youll be able to get as much insight as possible into the position and the employer.浏览以下10个最适合在面试过程中提出的问题吧,然后你就能做好提问的准备以及尽可能深入地了解这个职位以及雇主。
How would you describe the responsibilities of the position?请问您如何描述这个职位的职责?
How would you describe a typical day or week on the job?请问您如何描述这份工作的日常事务?
Is this a new position?这是一个新增的职位吗?
What is the companys management style?贵公司管理模式是怎么样的?
What are the prospects for growth and advancement?职位的晋升前景如何?
Would you like a list of references?请问您需要参考清单吗?
If I am extended a job offer, how soon would you like me to start?如果我被延长录用期限,请问您希望我何时开始上班呢?
What else can I tell you about my qualifications?请问在我还需要在应聘条件方面作出补充吗?
When can I expect to hear from you?请问我什么时候能够得到答复呢?
Are there any other questions I can answer for you?请问您是否还有其他问题?
Bonus Questions额外的提问
Here are a few more questions to ask if the others on the list have already been covered by the interviewer.如果上面的这些都已被问及了,那么下面还有几个问题可以在面试中向面试官提出。
Do you have a policy for helping new members of the team get on board?请问贵公司是否设置鼓励团队员工成为公司合伙人的制度?
What are biggest challenges of this job?这个职位所面临的最大挑战有哪些?
What are the biggest rewards of working at this job and for this company?为这个职位和公司而奋斗的最佳犒赏有哪些?
What did the person who previously held this job go on to do?担任这个职位的上一任员工是如何应对这份工作的?
What is the best part of working for this company?在贵公司工作最让人感到成就感的部分是什么?
Is there any you dont like about working here?是否有让你不喜欢在这家公司工作的理由?
What type of background do you feel would be best suited for success in this position?您认为什么类型的背景胜任这份工作?
During a job interview, usually towards the end of the interview, you will be asked if you have any questions. This is an opportunity to find out more about the company and the job to make sure its a good match.在求职面试中,常常到了接近结束的时候,面试官会询问你是否有什么疑问。这是一个让你更加了解这家公司和职位以及保证职位选择是否正确的机会。
Asking questions also gives you the opportunity to reference some of your qualities, skills and experience. Be very specific in the questions you ask, and you will have the opportunity to impress your potential employer with your knowledge and interest in the industry, as well as determine if this is the right job for you.向面试官提问的同时也能给你检视自己的资格技能和经验的机会。你所提出的问题针对性越强,你就越有机会凭借自己的专业知识和兴趣给潜在雇主留下深刻的印象,同时也能确定这份工作是否合适自己。
Review the top 10 best interview questions to ask an employer during a job interview. That way youll be prepared to ask questions and youll be able to get as much insight as possible into the position and the employer.浏览以下10个最适合在面试过程中提出的问题吧,然后你就能做好提问的准备以及尽可能深入地了解这个职位以及雇主。
How would you describe the responsibilities of the position?请问您如何描述这个职位的职责?
How would you describe a typical day or week on the job?请问您如何描述这份工作的日常事务?
Is this a new position?这是一个新增的职位吗?
What is the companys management style?贵公司管理模式是怎么样的?
What are the prospects for growth and advancement?职位的晋升前景如何?
Would you like a list of references?请问您需要参考清单吗?
If I am extended a job offer, how soon would you like me to start?如果我被延长录用期限,请问您希望我何时开始上班呢?
What else can I tell you about my qualifications?请问在我还需要在应聘条件方面作出补充吗?
When can I expect to hear from you?请问我什么时候能够得到答复呢?
Are there any other questions I can answer for you?请问您是否还有其他问题?
Bonus Questions额外的提问
Here are a few more questions to ask if the others on the list have already been covered by the interviewer.如果上面的这些都已被问及了,那么下面还有几个问题可以在面试中向面试官提出。
Do you have a policy for helping new members of the team get on board?请问贵公司是否设置鼓励团队员工成为公司合伙人的制度?
What are biggest challenges of this job?这个职位所面临的最大挑战有哪些?
What are the biggest rewards of working at this job and for this company?为这个职位和公司而奋斗的最佳犒赏有哪些?
What did the person who previously held this job go on to do?担任这个职位的上一任员工是如何应对这份工作的?
What is the best part of working for this company?在贵公司工作最让人感到成就感的部分是什么?
Is there any you dont like about working here?是否有让你不喜欢在这家公司工作的理由?
What type of background do you feel would be best suited for success in this position?您认为什么类型的背景胜任这份工作?