长期以来,家庭暴力在我国一直属于较为复杂的社会问题,因为传统观念认为,家暴是私事,所谓“清官难断家务事,外人不便干预。但近日,我国起草关于建立“人身保护令(restraining orders)制度的反家暴草案,在法制上取得了重大进步。
According to the draft law, anyone who is the victim of domestic violence and those threatened by domestic violence can file for a restraining order, and the court must grant the applicant a restraining order or deny their request within 48 hours.
人身保护令全称为“人身安全保护令。这是一种民事强制措施(compulsory measures),指法院为保护家暴受害者(victim)及其家庭成员(family members)的人身安全,防止家暴继续发生,经申请人申请,法院依法审查后,通过民事裁定的形式作出的一种民事强制措施。
该草案所称家庭暴力,指以殴打(hit)、捆绑(bundled)、残害、强行限制人身自由(personal freedom)等方式,对家庭成员实施的侵害行为。
(一)禁止被申请人实施家庭暴力(domestic violence);
(三)责令被申请人迁出(move out)申请人住所;
Once the restraining order is granted, the person cited in the restraining order has to comply by the order of the court; not doing so will constitute a violation of the order. Any violations of a restraining order will be subject to a fine of up to 1,000 yuan or detention of up to 15 days. A restraining order will be effective for six months.
长期以来,家庭暴力在我国一直属于较为复杂的社会问题,因为传统观念认为,家暴是私事,所谓“清官难断家务事,外人不便干预。但近日,我国起草关于建立“人身保护令(restraining orders)制度的反家暴草案,在法制上取得了重大进步。
According to the draft law, anyone who is the victim of domestic violence and those threatened by domestic violence can file for a restraining order, and the court must grant the applicant a restraining order or deny their request within 48 hours.
人身保护令全称为“人身安全保护令。这是一种民事强制措施(compulsory measures),指法院为保护家暴受害者(victim)及其家庭成员(family members)的人身安全,防止家暴继续发生,经申请人申请,法院依法审查后,通过民事裁定的形式作出的一种民事强制措施。
该草案所称家庭暴力,指以殴打(hit)、捆绑(bundled)、残害、强行限制人身自由(personal freedom)等方式,对家庭成员实施的侵害行为。
(一)禁止被申请人实施家庭暴力(domestic violence);
(三)责令被申请人迁出(move out)申请人住所;
Once the restraining order is granted, the person cited in the restraining order has to comply by the order of the court; not doing so will constitute a violation of the order. Any violations of a restraining order will be subject to a fine of up to 1,000 yuan or detention of up to 15 days. A restraining order will be effective for six months.