The International Monetary Fund is backing China'snew regime for setting the fix each day, adding thatit hopes China will implement a floating exchangerate within two to three years.
The IMF called the new mechanism, which givesmarkets a voice in where the daily fix should be set, "a welcome step" but said its impact will "depend onhow the new mechanism is implemented in practice."
Last week the IMF hailed China's progress on financial reform but called on authorities to takefurther steps. The People's Bank of China on Tuesday appeared to take the advice, announcingthat it would begin referring to market forces when it sets the daily mid-point for its tightly-controlled currency.
The IMF said today:"Greater exchange rate flexibility is important for China as it strives togive market-forces a decisive role in the economy and is rapidly integrating into globalfinancial markets.
We believe that China can, and should, aim to achieve an effectively floating exchange ratesystem within two to three years."
On Tuesday there was plenty of speculation that China has tweaked the way it treats itscurrency value to appease the IMF and help to get renminbi in its SDR, or special drawingrights, a global reserve asset comprising the dollar, euro, pound and yen.
The IMF statement said the new mechanism "has no direct implications for the criteria used indetermining the composition of the basket." However, it added:"Nevertheless, a more market-determined exchange rate would facilitate SDR operations in case the Renminbi wereincluded in the currency basket going forward."
The International Monetary Fund is backing China'snew regime for setting the fix each day, adding thatit hopes China will implement a floating exchangerate within two to three years.
The IMF called the new mechanism, which givesmarkets a voice in where the daily fix should be set, "a welcome step" but said its impact will "depend onhow the new mechanism is implemented in practice."
Last week the IMF hailed China's progress on financial reform but called on authorities to takefurther steps. The People's Bank of China on Tuesday appeared to take the advice, announcingthat it would begin referring to market forces when it sets the daily mid-point for its tightly-controlled currency.
The IMF said today:"Greater exchange rate flexibility is important for China as it strives togive market-forces a decisive role in the economy and is rapidly integrating into globalfinancial markets.
We believe that China can, and should, aim to achieve an effectively floating exchange ratesystem within two to three years."
On Tuesday there was plenty of speculation that China has tweaked the way it treats itscurrency value to appease the IMF and help to get renminbi in its SDR, or special drawingrights, a global reserve asset comprising the dollar, euro, pound and yen.
The IMF statement said the new mechanism "has no direct implications for the criteria used indetermining the composition of the basket." However, it added:"Nevertheless, a more market-determined exchange rate would facilitate SDR operations in case the Renminbi wereincluded in the currency basket going forward."