encourage, excite, inspire, motivate, stimulate
encourage v.鼓励,促进,含有使增强勇气或给予希望的意味。
He encouraged his son to go to good college.他鼓励他的儿子上名牌大学。
excite v.指使人感到激动、兴奋;煽动,鼓动。
The band played louder and excited the audience.乐队演奏得更响亮了,使观众兴奋起来。
inspire v.鼓舞,激发,影响,常常带有启迪,启发的意思。
My mother inspires us with stories of her difficult childhood.我的妈妈给我们讲童年时的艰苦生活以激励我们。
motivate v.激发,促动,强调激起动机去做某事。
A desire to go to medical school motivates her to study hard everyday.她希望上医学院,这成了她每天努力学习的动力。
stimulate v.刺激,激发,促进,强调刺激反应的结果。
Cold air stimulates me.冷空气刺激我振作起来。