商业贿赂:commercial bribery
Under the interpretation, medical staff face being charged with commercial bribery if they receive bribes from sales agents of pharmaceutical companies and suppliers of medical equipment, or if they help promote pharmaceutical products through their prescriptions for the benefits.
在上面的报道中,commercial bribery的意思是商业贿赂,商业贿赂是指经营者为争取交易机会,暗中给予交易对方有关人员和能够影响交易的其他相关人员以财物或其他好处的行为,属于不正当竞争。常见的形式包括提供回扣、促销费、宣传费、劳务费,或报销各种费用、提供境内外旅游等等。
Bribery的意思就是贿赂,如:It is necessary to take comprehensive law measures to control business bribery.。
最近有人向约翰commit bribery,但是He is superior/ insusceptible to bribery./ He is proof against bribery,因为他认为Bribery is a vile practice. ,他不想卷入a seamy bribery scandal,更不想犯fence of bribery。
商业贿赂:commercial bribery
Under the interpretation, medical staff face being charged with commercial bribery if they receive bribes from sales agents of pharmaceutical companies and suppliers of medical equipment, or if they help promote pharmaceutical products through their prescriptions for the benefits.
在上面的报道中,commercial bribery的意思是商业贿赂,商业贿赂是指经营者为争取交易机会,暗中给予交易对方有关人员和能够影响交易的其他相关人员以财物或其他好处的行为,属于不正当竞争。常见的形式包括提供回扣、促销费、宣传费、劳务费,或报销各种费用、提供境内外旅游等等。
Bribery的意思就是贿赂,如:It is necessary to take comprehensive law measures to control business bribery.。
最近有人向约翰commit bribery,但是He is superior/ insusceptible to bribery./ He is proof against bribery,因为他认为Bribery is a vile practice. ,他不想卷入a seamy bribery scandal,更不想犯fence of bribery。