sufficient adj.充分的,足够的
superficially 1.adv.浅薄的
superiority n.优越,高傲
There is no doubt that the superiority of these goods to the others is easy to see.
supreme adj.极度的,极大的,至高的
surge n.巨涌,汹涌,澎湃
surgeon n.外科医生
surpass vt.超越,胜过
There are occasions when giving a gift surpasses spoken communications, since the message it offers can cut through barriers of language and cultural diversity.
survival n.生存,幸存,残存,幸存者,残存物
suspicious adj..可疑的,怀疑的
We can t help being suspicious of Bob who bought a luxurious sports car just after the money was stolen from the office.
swamp n.沼泽,湿地,
symbol n.符号,记号,象征
sympathy n.同情,同情心
symptom n.症状,征兆
synthesize v.综合,合成
tailor n.裁缝
tenable adj.守得住的, 可防守的
territory n. 领土,版图,地域
testify v.证明,证实,作证
He is the only person who can testify in this case, because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously.
testimony n.证词,宣言,陈述
theory n.理论,学说,原理,意见,推测
therapy n.治疗
thoroughly 1.adv.十分的,彻底地
thrive on 1.以旺盛
tighten v.变紧,绷紧,拉紧
tilt v. 倾斜;(使)翘起
torpedo n.鱼雷,油井爆破筒
touchable adj.可触的,可食用的
tough adj.强硬的,艰苦的,坚强的,坚韧的,强壮的
tragedy n.悲剧,惨案,悲惨,灾难
trait n.显著的特点,特性
trick n.诡计,骗局,恶作剧,窍门,诀窍
typical adj.典型的,象征性的
ultimate adj.最后的,最终的,根本的
undergo vt.经历,遭受,忍受
uniform adj.统一的,相同的,一致的,均衡的
universe n.宇宙,世界,万物,领域
unorthodox adj.非正统的,异教的,异端的
urban adj.城市的,市区的
urge vt.催促,力劝
utilize vt.利用
vary vt.改变,变更,是多样化
venture n.冒险,投机,风险
victim n.受害人,牺牲者,牺牲品
vigor n.精力,活力
violence n.猛烈,强烈,暴力,暴行,强暴
virtually 1.adv.事实上,实质上
vital adj.生死攸关的,重大的,生命的,生机的
vitamin n.维他命,维生素
vocal adj.发噪音的,声音的,有声的,歌唱的
vulnerable adj.易受攻击的,易受 攻击
Some researchers feel that certain people have nervous systems particularly vulnerable to hot, dry winds. They are what we call weather-sensitive people.
wilful adj.任性的; 固执的
wipe v.擦,揩,擦去
sufficient adj.充分的,足够的
superficially 1.adv.浅薄的
superiority n.优越,高傲
There is no doubt that the superiority of these goods to the others is easy to see.
supreme adj.极度的,极大的,至高的
surge n.巨涌,汹涌,澎湃
surgeon n.外科医生
surpass vt.超越,胜过
There are occasions when giving a gift surpasses spoken communications, since the message it offers can cut through barriers of language and cultural diversity.
survival n.生存,幸存,残存,幸存者,残存物
suspicious adj..可疑的,怀疑的
We can t help being suspicious of Bob who bought a luxurious sports car just after the money was stolen from the office.
swamp n.沼泽,湿地,
symbol n.符号,记号,象征
sympathy n.同情,同情心
symptom n.症状,征兆
synthesize v.综合,合成
tailor n.裁缝
tenable adj.守得住的, 可防守的
territory n. 领土,版图,地域
testify v.证明,证实,作证
He is the only person who can testify in this case, because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously.
testimony n.证词,宣言,陈述
theory n.理论,学说,原理,意见,推测
therapy n.治疗
thoroughly 1.adv.十分的,彻底地
thrive on 1.以旺盛
tighten v.变紧,绷紧,拉紧
tilt v. 倾斜;(使)翘起
torpedo n.鱼雷,油井爆破筒
touchable adj.可触的,可食用的
tough adj.强硬的,艰苦的,坚强的,坚韧的,强壮的
tragedy n.悲剧,惨案,悲惨,灾难
trait n.显著的特点,特性
trick n.诡计,骗局,恶作剧,窍门,诀窍
typical adj.典型的,象征性的
ultimate adj.最后的,最终的,根本的
undergo vt.经历,遭受,忍受
uniform adj.统一的,相同的,一致的,均衡的
universe n.宇宙,世界,万物,领域
unorthodox adj.非正统的,异教的,异端的
urban adj.城市的,市区的
urge vt.催促,力劝
utilize vt.利用
vary vt.改变,变更,是多样化
venture n.冒险,投机,风险
victim n.受害人,牺牲者,牺牲品
vigor n.精力,活力
violence n.猛烈,强烈,暴力,暴行,强暴
virtually 1.adv.事实上,实质上
vital adj.生死攸关的,重大的,生命的,生机的
vitamin n.维他命,维生素
vocal adj.发噪音的,声音的,有声的,歌唱的
vulnerable adj.易受攻击的,易受 攻击
Some researchers feel that certain people have nervous systems particularly vulnerable to hot, dry winds. They are what we call weather-sensitive people.
wilful adj.任性的; 固执的
wipe v.擦,揩,擦去