THE heart of Chinas national railway policy has been the pursuit of speed. And having built theworlds longest high-speed network from scratch, this week the country proudly launched itsshowcase project, the 1,318km Beijing-Shanghai line. Running at speeds of over300km an hour, the sleek electric train cuts the travel time between Chinas two most importantcities by nearly half, to four hours and 48 minutes.
The service is designed as a rival to air travel. Indeed, at Beijing South station, the ultra-modern facility resembles an airport. The other terminus, meanwhile, actually is at Shanghaisdomestic airport. But that means travellers lose the benefit of a downtown arrival, oftentouted as an advantage of trains. Even on intermediate stops, stations are far from urbancentres.
Travel time might have been shorter still, but forcontroversy over the trains speed. Journeys of350km an hour had been promised. Then a system-wide slowdown to around 300km an hour wasannounced. At the time, the government insistedthis was to save energy. It strenuously denied thatsafety was a factor, despite concerns from Chineseand foreign engineers. But now an official at ChinasRailway Electrification Bureau admits the slowdownwas based on concerns over safety after all.
要不是高铁速度引起广泛争论,旅程时间本是可以进一步缩短的。铁路部门之前曾允诺列车运行时速将达350公里。但随后又宣布系统全线减速到每小时300 公里左右。当时,政府坚称这是出于节能考虑。尽管中外工程师对高铁的安全性表示忧虑,但政府却极力否认安全性是被考虑的因素。现在中国铁路电气化局的一名官员终于肯承认高铁降速是出于安全性考虑。
The Beijing-Shanghai line took only three years to build. With a price tag of $34 billion, it maynever recoup its costs. Still, better connections could bring more productivity gains to Chinathan in more developed countries. Ying Jin at Cambridge University says high-speed rail couldfoster development away from Chinas megacities.
Meanwhile, for those who find the lines suburban stations inconvenient, Mr Ying says, peopleneed only be patient. With urbanisation in China roaring ahead, it is only a matter of time beforethe cities pull up at the stations, rather than the other way around.
THE heart of Chinas national railway policy has been the pursuit of speed. And having built theworlds longest high-speed network from scratch, this week the country proudly launched itsshowcase project, the 1,318km Beijing-Shanghai line. Running at speeds of over300km an hour, the sleek electric train cuts the travel time between Chinas two most importantcities by nearly half, to four hours and 48 minutes.
The service is designed as a rival to air travel. Indeed, at Beijing South station, the ultra-modern facility resembles an airport. The other terminus, meanwhile, actually is at Shanghaisdomestic airport. But that means travellers lose the benefit of a downtown arrival, oftentouted as an advantage of trains. Even on intermediate stops, stations are far from urbancentres.
Travel time might have been shorter still, but forcontroversy over the trains speed. Journeys of350km an hour had been promised. Then a system-wide slowdown to around 300km an hour wasannounced. At the time, the government insistedthis was to save energy. It strenuously denied thatsafety was a factor, despite concerns from Chineseand foreign engineers. But now an official at ChinasRailway Electrification Bureau admits the slowdownwas based on concerns over safety after all.
要不是高铁速度引起广泛争论,旅程时间本是可以进一步缩短的。铁路部门之前曾允诺列车运行时速将达350公里。但随后又宣布系统全线减速到每小时300 公里左右。当时,政府坚称这是出于节能考虑。尽管中外工程师对高铁的安全性表示忧虑,但政府却极力否认安全性是被考虑的因素。现在中国铁路电气化局的一名官员终于肯承认高铁降速是出于安全性考虑。
The Beijing-Shanghai line took only three years to build. With a price tag of $34 billion, it maynever recoup its costs. Still, better connections could bring more productivity gains to Chinathan in more developed countries. Ying Jin at Cambridge University says high-speed rail couldfoster development away from Chinas megacities.
Meanwhile, for those who find the lines suburban stations inconvenient, Mr Ying says, peopleneed only be patient. With urbanisation in China roaring ahead, it is only a matter of time beforethe cities pull up at the stations, rather than the other way around.