GEORGE BUSH wanted to close it. Sodid John McCain. And Barack Obama promised to do so within a year of taking office. Butnearly three years since then, and ten years after the first inmates stepped through itsbarbed-wired gates in January 2002, the prison camp at Guantnamo Bay remainsstubbornly open.
It is, perhaps, the most glaring failure of Mr Obamas first term. On his second full day inoffice, surrounded by 16 retired generals and admirals, he signed the order to close thefacility that he said had probably created more terrorists than it ever detained. Withmajorities in both chambers of Congress he looked set to make good on his pledge. Therewas just one problem: the president had a timetable, but no plan.
Where are we going to send them? asked Mr McCain after the order was signed. HisRepublican colleagues warned that dangerous terrorists could end up in local jails. In fact, MrObama had in mind a facility in Illinois similar to Americas supermax prisons, from whichno one has ever escaped. But right-wingers stoked public dread and polls soon showedsignificant disapproval of the closure. In the face of such opposition, and with little supportfrom a White House distracted by health-care reform, the Democrats quickly backed down.In a series of votes, both parties signalled their displeasure with the presidents policy,blocking funds for Guantnamos closure and banning the transfer of detainees to Americansoil.
命令签署后,麦凯恩先生提出了个问题:我们该把这些战俘送到那儿? 他的共和党同僚预计这些危险的恐怖分子可能会最终投入到当地的监狱。事实上,奥巴马对此曾有设想,想在伊利诺伊州设置一所类似美国超级监房那样的设施,战犯一旦被投入监牢,就插翅难飞。但右翼分子煽动公众的畏惧情绪,投票结果也表明公众对关闭战俘营怀有极大的不满情绪。面对反对声浪,当时正被医疗保险改革搞得焦头烂额的白宫当局无暇他顾,对奥巴马提议的支持更是少之又少。见势不妙,民主党人随即就打了退堂鼓。在此后一系列涉及关塔那摩战俘营的投票中,两党都发出对总统关于关闭战俘营决策不满的呼声,进而要求对关闭战俘营的相关资金加以封锁,禁止将在押人员转到美国本土。
The White House fought back, defeating an effort aimed at stopping the government fromputting the alleged architects of 9/11 on trial in federal court. Then came its boldest move. InNovember 2009 Eric Holder, the attorney general, announced that Khalid SheikhMohammed and his four co-conspirators would face justice in Manhattan. The trial wouldshow that Americas civilian courts could handle even Guantnamos worst. But just twomonths later, amid mounting security concerns and rising political pressure, the effort fellapart. Once again, the administration had underestimated the political and logisticalchallenges posed by its policies.
Succumbing to the obstacles placed in his path, in March last year the president lifted hismoratorium on new military-commission trials at Guantnamo and instituted a system forholding some detainees indefinitely. Civil-liberties groups called it an admission of defeat.PolitiFact, an outfit that assesses the accuracy of statements made by politicians, declaredMr Obamas campaign promise broken.
GEORGE BUSH wanted to close it. Sodid John McCain. And Barack Obama promised to do so within a year of taking office. Butnearly three years since then, and ten years after the first inmates stepped through itsbarbed-wired gates in January 2002, the prison camp at Guantnamo Bay remainsstubbornly open.
It is, perhaps, the most glaring failure of Mr Obamas first term. On his second full day inoffice, surrounded by 16 retired generals and admirals, he signed the order to close thefacility that he said had probably created more terrorists than it ever detained. Withmajorities in both chambers of Congress he looked set to make good on his pledge. Therewas just one problem: the president had a timetable, but no plan.
Where are we going to send them? asked Mr McCain after the order was signed. HisRepublican colleagues warned that dangerous terrorists could end up in local jails. In fact, MrObama had in mind a facility in Illinois similar to Americas supermax prisons, from whichno one has ever escaped. But right-wingers stoked public dread and polls soon showedsignificant disapproval of the closure. In the face of such opposition, and with little supportfrom a White House distracted by health-care reform, the Democrats quickly backed down.In a series of votes, both parties signalled their displeasure with the presidents policy,blocking funds for Guantnamos closure and banning the transfer of detainees to Americansoil.
命令签署后,麦凯恩先生提出了个问题:我们该把这些战俘送到那儿? 他的共和党同僚预计这些危险的恐怖分子可能会最终投入到当地的监狱。事实上,奥巴马对此曾有设想,想在伊利诺伊州设置一所类似美国超级监房那样的设施,战犯一旦被投入监牢,就插翅难飞。但右翼分子煽动公众的畏惧情绪,投票结果也表明公众对关闭战俘营怀有极大的不满情绪。面对反对声浪,当时正被医疗保险改革搞得焦头烂额的白宫当局无暇他顾,对奥巴马提议的支持更是少之又少。见势不妙,民主党人随即就打了退堂鼓。在此后一系列涉及关塔那摩战俘营的投票中,两党都发出对总统关于关闭战俘营决策不满的呼声,进而要求对关闭战俘营的相关资金加以封锁,禁止将在押人员转到美国本土。
The White House fought back, defeating an effort aimed at stopping the government fromputting the alleged architects of 9/11 on trial in federal court. Then came its boldest move. InNovember 2009 Eric Holder, the attorney general, announced that Khalid SheikhMohammed and his four co-conspirators would face justice in Manhattan. The trial wouldshow that Americas civilian courts could handle even Guantnamos worst. But just twomonths later, amid mounting security concerns and rising political pressure, the effort fellapart. Once again, the administration had underestimated the political and logisticalchallenges posed by its policies.
Succumbing to the obstacles placed in his path, in March last year the president lifted hismoratorium on new military-commission trials at Guantnamo and instituted a system forholding some detainees indefinitely. Civil-liberties groups called it an admission of defeat.PolitiFact, an outfit that assesses the accuracy of statements made by politicians, declaredMr Obamas campaign promise broken.