A Rotary engine
Can a businessmen s club eradicate polio from the world?
IT IS a year since the last case of polio was diagnosed in India. That is not enough topronounce the country polio-free-three clear years are the conventional period required forthat to happen. But it is a good start. And if India really is clear, then what was once a globalscourge will now be endemic to a mere three countries: Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan.The number of people infected, meanwhile, has dropped from 350,000 in 1988 to 650 lastyear.
距印度最后一例小儿麻痹症患者被确诊到现在已经1年。那不足以宣布这个国家脱离了小儿麻痹症人们习惯上将三年不出现小儿麻痹症病例作为一个国家宣布脱离小儿麻痹症的周期。但这已经是一个好的开始。如果印度摆脱了小儿麻痹症,那么曾经风靡全球的灾难在现在将仅存于三个国家:阿富汗、尼日利亚和巴基斯坦。于此同时,感染小儿麻痹症的人的数量已经从1988年的 350,000降低到了去年的650.
All this is in large part thanks to the efforts of Rotary International. In 1985, after a successfulpilot study in the Philippines, this businessmen s club cum global charity announced a planto eradicate polio by vaccinating every child under five at risk of catching it. The estimatethen was that it would cost $120m. Some $800m of Rotary money later , the virus is still out there, but its remaining hidey-holes tell their own story: wherecivil disorder is rife, medicine is hard.
On January 17th Rotary announced it had raised yet another $200m. The Bill MelindaGates Foundation will contribute a further $405m, and the pressure will thus be kept up.John Germ, one of Rotary s trustees, thinks that if all goes well 2023 might be the first yearwhen no new cases are reported. That would, though, mean spending more than $1 billion ayear between now and then.
The inspiration for Rotary s campaign against polio came from the eradication ofsmallpox. Like polio, smallpox was a viral disease for which effective, easily administeredvaccines existed. And crucially, like polio, smallpox had only one animal host: Homo sapiens.In principle, then, extermination should be possible. The practice, however, has turned outrather different.
First, unlike smallpox, polio viruses can survive for long periods outside a host-for instance insewage. Second, when the campaign began in earnest there were three main varieties ofpolio, each of which required a specially tailored vaccine. Focusing effort on one of thesestrains often led to the resurgence of another. Third, besides the inevitable difficulties ofworking in places that have poor medical infrastructure, the campaign ran into somespecific human problems. The most notorious of these was the rumour, spread in 2003 bycertain religious leaders in Nigeria, that the vaccine would sterilise girls and was part of anAmerican plot to rid the world of Muslims. This helps explain why polio persists in Nigeria.
That polio can actually be eradicated is suggested by the elimination, in 1999, of one of thethree strains. Whether the resources needed to do so might be better spent elsewhere,though, is a matter of debate. Some would prefer to see a shift to policies that improveoverall health, including investing in decent sanitation and clean water.
The response to that is that if you remove the specific pressure on polio it will simplybounce back. Moreover, in practice, a synthesis between the two positions is emerging.According to Mr Germ there is already a debate within Rotary about what to do next.Providing clean water and improving maternal and child health are popular options.
One thing everyone wants to avoid, though, is what happened after smallpox waseliminated. Then, the infrastructure of health workers and clinics that had been created todetect and fight the disease was allowed to evaporate. Had it been used instead to focus onpolio, that illness, too, might have been vanquished by now.
A Rotary engine
Can a businessmen s club eradicate polio from the world?
IT IS a year since the last case of polio was diagnosed in India. That is not enough topronounce the country polio-free-three clear years are the conventional period required forthat to happen. But it is a good start. And if India really is clear, then what was once a globalscourge will now be endemic to a mere three countries: Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan.The number of people infected, meanwhile, has dropped from 350,000 in 1988 to 650 lastyear.
距印度最后一例小儿麻痹症患者被确诊到现在已经1年。那不足以宣布这个国家脱离了小儿麻痹症人们习惯上将三年不出现小儿麻痹症病例作为一个国家宣布脱离小儿麻痹症的周期。但这已经是一个好的开始。如果印度摆脱了小儿麻痹症,那么曾经风靡全球的灾难在现在将仅存于三个国家:阿富汗、尼日利亚和巴基斯坦。于此同时,感染小儿麻痹症的人的数量已经从1988年的 350,000降低到了去年的650.
All this is in large part thanks to the efforts of Rotary International. In 1985, after a successfulpilot study in the Philippines, this businessmen s club cum global charity announced a planto eradicate polio by vaccinating every child under five at risk of catching it. The estimatethen was that it would cost $120m. Some $800m of Rotary money later , the virus is still out there, but its remaining hidey-holes tell their own story: wherecivil disorder is rife, medicine is hard.
On January 17th Rotary announced it had raised yet another $200m. The Bill MelindaGates Foundation will contribute a further $405m, and the pressure will thus be kept up.John Germ, one of Rotary s trustees, thinks that if all goes well 2023 might be the first yearwhen no new cases are reported. That would, though, mean spending more than $1 billion ayear between now and then.
The inspiration for Rotary s campaign against polio came from the eradication ofsmallpox. Like polio, smallpox was a viral disease for which effective, easily administeredvaccines existed. And crucially, like polio, smallpox had only one animal host: Homo sapiens.In principle, then, extermination should be possible. The practice, however, has turned outrather different.
First, unlike smallpox, polio viruses can survive for long periods outside a host-for instance insewage. Second, when the campaign began in earnest there were three main varieties ofpolio, each of which required a specially tailored vaccine. Focusing effort on one of thesestrains often led to the resurgence of another. Third, besides the inevitable difficulties ofworking in places that have poor medical infrastructure, the campaign ran into somespecific human problems. The most notorious of these was the rumour, spread in 2003 bycertain religious leaders in Nigeria, that the vaccine would sterilise girls and was part of anAmerican plot to rid the world of Muslims. This helps explain why polio persists in Nigeria.
That polio can actually be eradicated is suggested by the elimination, in 1999, of one of thethree strains. Whether the resources needed to do so might be better spent elsewhere,though, is a matter of debate. Some would prefer to see a shift to policies that improveoverall health, including investing in decent sanitation and clean water.
The response to that is that if you remove the specific pressure on polio it will simplybounce back. Moreover, in practice, a synthesis between the two positions is emerging.According to Mr Germ there is already a debate within Rotary about what to do next.Providing clean water and improving maternal and child health are popular options.
One thing everyone wants to avoid, though, is what happened after smallpox waseliminated. Then, the infrastructure of health workers and clinics that had been created todetect and fight the disease was allowed to evaporate. Had it been used instead to focus onpolio, that illness, too, might have been vanquished by now.