今天真热呀!Its very hot today, isnt it?
*isnt it? 带有“真……呀!”的语感。
= Isnt it hot today?
= Todays a scorcher.
*scorcher 为口语,“太阳火辣辣的天气”。
天气炎热。Its blistering hot.
= Its extremely hot.
今天的天气真好!Its a fine day today.
= Its beautiful today.
= Its nice today.
明天的天气怎么样?Whats the forecast for tomorrow?
Its going to be cold. (会冷吧。)
= What will the weather be like tomorrow?
= Whats the weather going to be tomorrow?
= Whats tomorrows forecast?
今天的天气怎么样?Hows the weather today?
Its hot. (今天很热。)
今天会下雨吗?Is it going to rain today?
I doubt it. (我想不会。)
好像要下雨。Were expecting some rain.
= Its going to rain.
= Its supposed to rain.
= Rain is expected.
= I heard it might rain. (我听说今天可能下雨。)
下雨了。Its raining.
今天会下雨吧!Its going to rain today.
= It will rain today.
今天很热。Its hot today.
今天很暖和。Its warm today.
= Its a warm day.
今天很冷。Its cold today.
It sure is. (就是。)
今天冷嗖嗖的。Its chilly today.
= Its cool today.
= Its nippy today.
今天风很大。Its windy today.
今天很闷热。Its humid.
= Its really humid today. (今天很闷啊!)
Yeah, my body is sweaty. (是呀,我浑身都是汗。)
气候干燥。Its dry.
Its wet today. (今天像要下雨。)
Its rainy today. (今天像要下雨。)
暴风雨天气。Its stormy.
= There is going to be a storm today. (今天将有暴风雨。)
下雪了。Its snowing.
Yeah! Lets go skiing. (太好了!我们去滑雪吧。)
天阴沉沉的。Its gloomy.
= Its cloudy. (阴天。)
看样子我们会遇上雷阵雨。It looks like we are going to have a thunder shower.
台风快到了。A typhoon is coming.
= Why are you taping your windows? (干吗往窗户上贴胶条?)
= A typhoon is on its way.
起雾了。Its foggy.
冷得像要结冰了。Its freezing.
= Its very cold today. (今天非常寒冷。)
快要下暴风雨了。Were going to have a blizzard.
这天真舒服。Its pleasant.
= Its comfortable. (这天真舒服。)
= Its a nice day. (真是个好天。)
今天风和日丽。Its mild today.
*mild 表示气候“温暖的,温和的”。
雾蒙蒙的。Its misty.
今天阴天。Its overcast today.
Lets go sunbathing. (我们去做日光浴吧。)
But, its overcast today. (可是,今天阴天。)
= Its cloudy today.
糟糕的天气。Its miserable.
= Its a terrible day.
= Its an awful day.
我怕热。Im sensitive to heat.
*sensitive “容易感觉到的,敏感的”。
今天风和日丽。Its breezy today.
= Its a breezy day.
今天的天气让人不舒服。Its uncomfortable today.
= Its unpleasant today.
热死我了。The heat is killing me.
下了瓢泼大雨。Its raining cats and dogs!
*用cat (猫)和dog (狗)来表示瓢泼大雨。可以说cats and dogs,却不能反过来说成dogs and cats。
下霜了。Its frosty today.
= Its a frosty day.